It goes without saying that no person gets to any level of success in life (whether it be success in personal life, business or otherwise) without the help of others who create a firm foundation for growth. Although this truth goes without saying, we do not wish for it to continue going without saying at this time. We want to take this opportunity to thank those who created a firm foundation on which we could grow. We appreciate you...we honor you...we love you!
| | | Mama, what can I really say that would show my appreciation for you?! Thank you for all of the sacrifices you have made for me over and over again. Thank you for always seeing the brightside of the darkest days...Thank you for supporting me always...I'm proud to call you mama!
Harry, Thank you for sharing your experience with me so freely. I have so much respect for you and how consistant you always are. I have always admired the man you are, and hope to be half of that one day! |