![Click to enlarge Bride](/images/wedding_website/X208/208667/ww_story_story_bride_image.jpg) | I was supposed to hang out with my cousins this particular night but they changed their minds. I ended up going out with my matron of honor, Monica, her husband and one of our mutual friends. We were having a really good time as always, so by the end of the night we were standing by the entrance cracking jokes and talking. C.J walked by and said something to Monica's husband and they continued a conversation out in the parking lot. When Monica and I got outside C.J and i officially met. He was really funny, cute and polite. He kept saying, "ooooh guul you sho are beautiful...look at your skin, omg!" (luckily I put on a full face of make up before i left! lol) He kept saying how proud his mom would be of him if he bought me home! I kept thinking this guy is so funny! Afterward we all went to a local diner but I only gave him my facebook contact information. He says he messaged me a lot and I ignored him, but honestly I had an old commputer at the time and i didn't notice lol! when I finally did notice I gave him my number and he called and asked me out on a date. On our first preliminary date he showed up with the most beautiful red roses; we were together every day after that... When Monica called me to ask me about him, I told her he was definately the one. |